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Retirement Income


Retirement may bring changes to both your lifestyle and your finances. It is important to have a plan that takes into account certain risks which may impact your retirement security. For employers, defined contribution retirement plans represent freedom from financial volatility, traditional pension risk, market volatility, and long-term financial uncertainty; however, they also impose new risks and responsibilities on the employer. For employees, defined contributions offer individual control, greater flexibility, and, in an ideal world, access to institutionally priced investments. Secure the future of your finance even after you retire.

Generating income for your retirement

Put Your Money to Work

As you approach the time when you’ll trade your paycheck for retirement, you’ll begin relying on your hard-earned retirement income sources to help provide an income stream that will see you through your retirement years.

Income sources

Start by determining your potential sources of retirement income, and how much income they are likely to provide in retirement. Our investment portfolio can help you get started, and common income sources include:

  • Guaranteed Income (i.e. Social Security, Annuities)
  • Pension plans (i.e., defined benefit plans)
  • IRAs
  • Retirement savings, including 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans
  • Other non-retirement savings, including brokerage accounts, savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs)

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Diversify your retirement income sources

Because each retirement income category represents a different type of income, and mitigates different retirement risks, diversifying your retirement income across all three can help you generate income in retirement that may last a lifetime.

  • Dividend: Equity income investments

    Designed to provide long-term growth and income, equity income investments can help offset the effects of inflation. As you approach retirement, keeping a portion of your investable assets invested in high-quality, dividend-producing stocks and equity mutual funds can help hedge your retirement portfolio from inflation risk. These investments also give your portfolio the opportunity to benefit from strong market performance — which is increasingly important for retirees, as many people are spending 20 or more years in retirement. However, equity investments are, of course, subject to market volatility.

  • Interest: Bond and fixed income investments

    Interest-bearing investments offer the potential for a stable, low-risk income stream, while also preserving your principal investment. As you near retirement, increasing your interest-bearing investments may help your portfolio weather market fluctuations; however, these investments are subject to credit and other risks.

  • Lifetime: Social Security and pensions

    Social Security benefits are the primary source of lifetime income for many of today’s retirees. Although you can start receiving Social Security benefits as early as age 62, or defer your benefits until age 70, the monthly payment amount you receive varies based on your retirement age. The Social Security Administration’s Social Security tool can help you decide when to start receiving Social Security benefits.

Get started today

Learn more about investing options available to you.
Request a free retirement consultation to see if your retirement planning is on track.
Consider partnering with a Financial Advisor to create an investment strategy for your retirement portfolio.

Newton Assets can help you invest your savings to create predictable retirement income.
As you consider various strategies for investing your retirement savings, Newton Assets can help. Get started today by contacting us, requesting a retirement consultation, or learning more about withdrawal strategies for your retirement savings.

No lifetime income sources?

If you don’t expect to receive Social Security benefits and pension plan payments, or if these amounts won’t cover your essential living expenses, consider converting a portion of your investments into an annuity.

Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Guarantees apply to minimum income from an annuity; therefore, they do guarantee an investment return or the safety of the underlying funds.